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How Edgar Works

Understanding Evergreen Content and How MeetEdgar Works

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Written by Edgar
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Edgar! We are excited to have you on board and can't wait to see the amazing content you'll be sharing with your social media followers. Before we dive in, let's get the basics out of the way!

In this article, we will explain how you can use Edgar to publish your evergreen content. Keep in mind that Edgar is very flexible, so there are other ways of using Edgar. However, for the purpose of this article, we will be focusing on using Edgar for the evergreen content strategy.

Feel free to use this guide as a suggestion and adapt it to your business and needs. All videos in this guide can be found in this YouTube playlist: How Edgar Works (All Videos).

💡 Tip

You'll want to make sure you've connected your social accounts before following along with this guide.

Understanding the Evergreen Content Flow in Edgar

Edgar was designed with the evergreen content strategy in mind. Evergreen content is content that is still relevant and valuable, long after it’s been published. In other words, it’s not based on timely trends or news. If something is still valuable to your audience, then why not re-share it? You can use our platform to re-purpose and re-share your most valuable content in an automated and seamless way!

MeetEdgar has a very simple flow for evergreen content. Just load and schedule your content, and our helpful octopus friend and his many arms will do the rest (yes, arms, octopuses don’t have tentacles!). After connecting your social accounts, you can publish your evergreen content using Categories, Content, Schedule and Queue. See below!

Create your Categories

Edgar gives you several default categories to start with, but by creating custom categories, you can organize your posts in a way that works best for you, your business, your followers and your content strategy. There's more tips and tricks for categories in this article: Categories Best Practices.

Video: Create your Categories

Add Content to your Categories

Getting great engagement on social media is largely about the quality of your content. Plus, up your content game with link previews, images and videos! Content can be added manually but Edgar also helps you import content and create variations for your posts. Check out this guide here for Content Variation and Imports.

Video: Add Content (Manually)

Video: Add Content (Imports)

Create Time Slots on your Schedule

Now that you have Categories and content added to the platform, it's time to create your time slots and let Edgar do its job! On Edgar's Schedule page, you’ll find your recurring automation schedule. You add time slots to each day of the week at the times you'd like Edgar to publish for you. Then, Edgar will follow these publishing rules week after week, automatically pulling content from your categories to post for you, without needing to hand-schedule every post.

Note that the time slots are linked to your Categories! So, from the example above, Edgar will be publishing posts from your FB videos Category every Sunday to Thursday at 6am. Same thing will happen with the Daily Updates Category on Wednesday. Every Wednesday at 8am, Edgar will publish something from that Category to the social media accounts you've selected. Find more tips about Edgar's Schedule in this article: Scheduling with Edgar.

Video: Create time slots on your Schedule

Check your Scheduled Posts on the Queue

Looking at your Schedule you know which Categories Edgar will publish a post from, but how do you know the exact post? Edgar's Queue displays posts that it intends to publish for you based on your weekly recurring schedule and any posts you scheduled manually for the next two weeks. See below how the Queue reflects the time-slots from the Schedule.

Edgar publishes content in a last-in, first-out order by default. So, your freshest content gets published first before any older content is recycled. You can shuffle your Categories so Edgar is picking up content on a random order, or skip posts in the Queue. Discover more about the Queue in this article: Queue Overview.

Video: Check your Scheduled Posts on the Queue

Do you feel that you'd prefer to learn it all from an Edgar expert instead? We've got you! Join us on a demo call. We have multiple slots available every week.
We can't wait to meet you!

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